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Title: Love TKO (A Love Unexpected Novel, #1)
Author: Selene Chardou
Genre: Contemporary Romance

An Irish Mixed Martial Artist who is fighting for the UFC Championship in Las Vegas. A beautiful hustler who is counting the clock down to her twenty-eighth birthday when she can finally retire and enjoy her life. A chance encounter that changes both of their lives forever. “I can’t allow what I feel for him to stop me from seeing the end goal. I never wanted this to be my life and in six months, it no longer will be. “But there is something about Torin Duffy that makes my heart race, and creates a shortness of breath I have never felt in my life. “I’m jaded; part of me feels like I am unlovable but when I am with him, he makes me feel wanted, needed, protected and it’s a slow burn that is leisurely turning me inside out and my emotions upside down. “We both know how dangerous this is but nothing can stop the hurricane of emotions we make each other feel, and his touch is so dangerous, I know he could leave me broken beyond repair. “How do we stop something that can destroy us both? Why should he risk what he’s wanted his whole life over me? “We both know where this is leading but how can we stop it when it’s too late to turn back now?” - Chiara Bassi  

I really like Selene Chardou, her books cover a wider demographic than most and tackles various aspects of life challenges and different backgrounds. I think everyone can find a bit of themselves or relate to at least one of her characters. 

Love TKO is the first in Selene's Love Unexpected Series and It is a brilliant starter, I love Torin and Chiara, their individual story/background is heartbreaking  they are both broken two shattered souls. However once they met each shone a healing light into the others soul putting back together all the shattered pieces. Together they are no longer broken but one soul one body and one mind.

As soon as their eyes met the intensity and chemistry could be felt, sparks flying like Guy Fawks Night.
Their first reaction to each other is not what either was expecting, Chiara is an escort / very expensive hight class whore working for a notorious Navada ganster lord with 6 months still left on her contarct whch strickly forbids her to date or have a relationship.
Torin has one thing on his mind; win the championship and retire form the MMA Octagon ring, he is not looking for a relationship he has witness what relationships can do to a person and with his own sins over shadowing him he does not want to be involved with anyone. That is until he meets Chiara who he feels an instant connection to her one he has never felt before. After spending the night with Chiara, Torin knows without a doubt he has found his other half his soul mate who he had no intentions of finding but now that he has her he is not willing to ever let her go.
Can a prostitute and the Irish MMA fighter make a relationship work when they have both come from such difficult backgrounds?

The storyline is gritty and real with real problems and challenges. You will come face to face with the harsh realitiy of what some people do in order to take care of their families. In the begining I judged Chiara for her profession but I was cinvicted by the prediciment that lead her to take such a path. I asked myself what I wold have done in her situation and honest to God I most likely would have done the same. This book had me questioning a lot of things because not everything in life is black and white we live in a world filled with grey areas which Selene highlights and bring to our attention.

The love between Charia and Torin felt right it's unconditional, they love each other flaws, demons and all they join to become one unit fighting whatever comes their way.
 Love TKO gives hope to those who think they are unlovable or unworthy of love, everyone deserves to have unconditional love no matter who or what background you came from.

The writing is really good and the story flowed beautifully. The characters are well developed and relatable, you will be completely bewhiched by them even if you try not to like them you will.
Well come one who does not like a MMA fighter and a whore with a heart of gold? pretty hard to resist isn't it?
The menatl helth that was addressed was done right it is very true to life.
The siblings relationships are tight knited and loyal I love the dynamics between Torin and his younger brother Keiran (who will get this own story told)
I have read some of Selene's previous work and she never fails to deliver. Looking forward to the next book.

Selene Chardou is a world traveler and the alter-ego of Elle Chardou.
Ms. Chardou’s writing is all about hot romance and exciting times with the rich and famous set in the New Adult realm. She is currently working on Falling into Love (One More Night Trilogy). There will also be a spin-off series titled simply the Scarlet Fever Series which will chronicle the relationships of all four band members in separate novels. She also has a pop stars series planned titled Young, Rich & Talented, which will also be a trilogy. Ms. Chardou has lived abroad in Stockholm (Sweden), Manchester (England), Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay Area and Portland. She currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada.


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