Here is our awesome interview with A.F. Crowell. If you haven't started the Torn Series now is the time, His Redemption book 4 comes out on the 4th October. 

New author of The Torn Series. 

Pushed was my first book. Never in a million years did I ever think I'd write a book. But I released Pushed on Amazon Kindle on February 17, 2015! 

I live in Charleston, SC with my husband (AKA the love of my life) and our two boys. We have two dogs. Diesel, a German Shepherd and Dez, a black Labrador Retriever. 

Until four years ago, I wasn't a very big reader. Since that time I've more than made up for it. When I'm not writing my own books, I average about 4 to 5 books a week. I love romance and YA novels.


 Tell us a little about yourself? Perhaps something not many people know?
I hate solid chocolate. I like chocolate if it's accompanying something else but not alone. I'm OCD. 

What made you want to become a writer?
I'm not really sure. I just decided after reading that I can't wanting to go a different way then it went that I could write my own.

Million dollar question, are you working on another book?
Yes. I'm actually working on book five in the Torn Series. It's a standalone, full length novel. I also have plans for five other books that are separate from The Torn Series 

Have you written any other books that are not published?
No. I have tons of projects waiting in the wings though.

Do you write Alone or in public?
Alone with ear buds in listening to music.

What tactics do you have when writing? (For example: outline or just write)
I tend to outline so I have a general direction I want the book to move it, but best laid plans. Much of the time my characters hijack the story and do what they want.

Which book of the series have you had the most fun writing?
I think His Redemption has been the most fun because I finally realized that I love to write suspense.

Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story?
Definitely hijack every chance they get.
If you could spend time a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do during that day? 
Probably Barb. She’s funny, zany and has absolutely no filter.
What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?
My characters lacked depth and believability.
What has been the best compliment?
Your book sucked me in and made me feel all of the character’s emotions

What book that you have read has most influenced your life?
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

Anything you would like to say to your readers and fans?
Thank you for reading my books, whether you loved them or distastes them. You took a chance and I’m grateful. I’m truly honored you read them.

If the Torn series was to be made into a film who would play the leading man/woman?
Leila – Isla Fisher, Brody – James Marsden, Jaxon – Chris Hemsworth

Of all the characters you have created, which is your favorite and why?
Brody hands down. I love his sauve, sophisticated style that screams control freak mixed with his alpha tendencies. I’m very much a control freak and can relate well with him.

If you were to team up with another author to write a book who would it be?
That’s a difficult question to answer. It would be hard to narrow it down to one person because there have been several authors that have helped and inspired me since I began my journey in the book world. But if you’re putting a gun to my head and I had to pick one person. It would be Audrey Carlan. A friend introduced me to her on Facebook and we started to talking. She was amazingly kind and very helpful. She taught me a great deal when I was in my infancy stage of writing and being an indie author. I will always be grateful. I try to honor that by helping new authors behind me. Pay it forward.

Who is the most famous person you have ever met? 
Phil Donahue

How did you come up with the titles for your books/series? 
I wanted the title to reflection the emotions of the main character, Leila, since Pushed, Pulled and Torn are her story.

What book are you reading now? 
I just finished an ARC of Blended by Sasha Brümmer and just started Sons of Navarus Box #1, Blood Avenged by K.M. Scott, who I recently met here at a signing in Charleston. And I have to just tell you, she’s wonderful. She is a kindred spirit and I was blessed to be able to talk shop with her for hours. We’ve since stayed in touch and now do writing sprints together. (Writing sprints with one of my author idols, how cool is that?)

What can we expect next from you?
On October 4th, I will release the next book in The Torn Series, His Redemption. It will be a romantic suspense, much like Torn but that’s all you’ll get from me.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing? 
YES. Tenses. I write in dual point of view past tense. I constantly find myself writing in the present and have to fix it.


Trauma nurse Leila Matthews is about to meet the one man who can tear through her emotional defenses, but the billionaire playboy will have a harder time winning her heart than her body.

Sexy, emotional and intense, Pushed, book one in the Torn series, begins the saga of Brody, Leila, and Jaxon.



Nurse Leila Matthews has seen it all, or so she thought until this morning. Into the chaos of her trauma ward walked a man more intense than anything she has ever known. His smile tore away all her defenses, and his kiss ignited flames damped for far too long—and a knowledge that such dangerous ripples are only the beginning.

Brody Davis is anything but safe. Wealthy, handsome, and unrepentantly single, the billionaire’s first priority is himself…and the pleasure of every woman he’s sure to leave. Yet his best friend’s baby sister is temptation itself. If any female could make him stay, it would be Leila, whose sweet lips and sweeter flesh push him to be better than he believes he can. He desires a quick conquest. The battle for Leila’s heart is yet to be fought. And he is not the only combatant.


ER nurse Leila Matthews can imagine no love more soul-searing than that she found with her friend, Jaxon Henderson—until the passionate return of Brody Davis, the father of her soon-to-be-born child. 

Sexy, emotional and intense, Pulled, can be read as a stand alone novel or as book two in the Torn series. 


E.R. nurse Leila Matthews’s whole life turned upon one single sentence: “Brody, I’m pregnant.” What she thought would be the happiest day of her life became a nightmare as she was abandoned by the father of her soon-to-be-born child. If her friend Jaxon wasn’t there to pick up the pieces, she couldn’t have coped. Then what had started out as a deep and abiding friendship became a soul-searing love. 

Yet, while Jaxon is the man of her dreams, Leila doesn’t want her child to grow up not knowing its father. The situation, a triangle involving tortured pasts and unstoppable passion, will test everyone involved. Both suitors will seek forgiveness for terrible mistakes, and Leila will soon be pulled between two powerful men: a handsome CEO who owns all he surveys, and an ex-soldier whose M.C. teeters on the brink of the unforgivable. Leila must choose the man who is perfect for her future…and for the future of her child. 


Torn between two powerful men who adore her, ER nurse Leila Matthews has found the love of her life...but the road to happily-ever-after is paved with betrayal, secrets, and dead bodies. 


For ER nurse Leila Matthews, life has never been easy. Her father turned his back on their family and her mother died young. Her cop brother’s near fatal gunshot wound brought Brody Davis into her life, the handsome CEO who promised her the world but left her pregnant with his child. Enter Jaxon Henderson, the sexy-as-sin VP of the local MC. Friend first, he has become the great love of her life. Tall, handsome, golden, his passion is matched only by his possessive and protective nature. But Jaxon has dark secrets, and his deception tests Leila’s love to its core. 

Jaxon Henderson knows three things: He loves Leila Matthews more than anything, he's lied to her, and he’s sworn to secrecy about the danger and violence that gathers on the horizon. To keep Leila safe, he must tell her all, but full disclosure has a price, and that price may just be everything. 


There aren't many people Brody Davis let get close, with good reason; his life seemed to be one epic mistake after another, and here he was again, swooping in to save the one woman who might be his redemption. 

Never Trust... 
Since his parents' deaths, one person has kept Brody Davis afloat, his surrogate mother, Jane. Knowing he owes her big time, when her gorgeous niece needs a place to stay, Brody tries not to alienate the one person who has loved him unconditionally. But sometimes lust, love and destiny run roughshod over good intentions, especially when danger threatens everything he holds dear. 

A Beautiful Stranger 
Emmery Lennox has a single focus in life. Her career. When her dream becomes a nightmare, she runs back to family and into the home of a devastatingly handsome and domineering man who challenges everything she believes about herself. Murder, mayhem and vicious cartels aren’t the only things that threaten them; her body has betrayed her brain, and her heart is on the line. Yet, together they might wind up saving each other. 


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