Title: Hushed Torment Series: Iron Fury MC #2 Author: Bella Jewel Genre: Romance Release Date: November 20, 2017 Blurb One accident changed my life. One single second changed everything for me. In one terrifying moment, everything I knew was gone. Music is the only thing that keeps me holding on. When the opportunity arises for me to tour with country music star, Scarlett Belle, I take it. An escape. A chance. Only it isn’t enough to lift the shadows of my past. And when I meet him, dangerous and different, I can’t turn away. He is forbidden to me. The President of a Motorcycle Club. A man who could bring noise back into my soundless world. But the shadows of my past haunt me. They linger like a dark nightmare, reminding me that we can never be. Because my sins are far too heavy. And my mind far too broken. Music is the only escape I can allow into my life. The only one that I w...