Title: A Covert Affair
Author: Kennedy L. Mitchell
Genre: Romantic Suspense
 Release Date: March 29, 2018


Agent Lucia Rizzo

A mole within the SEALs and I’m the one to find him.
Simple for someone with my type of ability to read through lies.
Everything was laid out, we had a plan. A good plan.
Go in undercover as a reporter, gather intel, identify the mole and come home.
But it didn’t turn out that way. Not even close. Of course, the Sr. Officer over the platoon in question is a former one night stand who became way too clingy. And to top it off his best friend, and my escort around base, is someone whom I desperately want clinging, without clothes would be preferred. The number of obstacles in this operation are too many to count but I have to find the mole, no matter what, my reputation within the CIA depends on it.

Sr. Officer Gabe Wilcox

Who would have thought a quick witted, hot shot CIA agent would be my kryptonite. But is she ever. From the moment, she walked in to CO’s office I was hooked. She a drug and I’m the willing addict doing anything and everything just to get one more hit of her. She says we are a bad idea, that it would complicate things, what does she know. We could be great together. We will be great together. All I have to do is convince her we can play and get the job done too. I want the mole caught but I might want her just as bad.

A Covert Affair is a contemporary romantic suspense, standalone novel.

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Michelle's Review
***ARC provided in exchange for an honest review -Michelle/Scandalous Book Blog***

Lucia is a force to be reckoned with and can certainly handle herself, some say she can read minds and this makes her an asset while  working for the CIA . She has been on many of missions and never mixes business with pleasure. The latest mission could get her right to the top with a promised promotion if she succeeds in catching the mole that is working for the seals, information is being leaked and putting lives at risk, her other mission is to convince Gabe to leave the seals and join the CIA. Both missions are not an easy quest, especially when her past is there to make her job even harder and then there is Gabe...........

Gabe is loyal to the SEALS, its his life and he will do anything to protect them all. He is just as keen to find who the mole is and didn't expect the CIA member to be a hot looking woman who can certainly pack a punch !  Lucia puts a spin on his life completely, no one has ever affected him this way, his best friend Tony was right, she is a drug and Gabe has become an addict. 

They need to find the mole and quickly before anyone else life is put at risk. The team have been narrowed down and just when Lucia thinks she has him things turn into a s**t storm !

Who is it, who can they trust and what secrets are about to be pulled out of the dark?!?

I absolutely loved Lucia and Gabe, their connection was instant and their chemistry is HOT HOT HOT. Hot alpha seal and a feisty, strong woman mixed in with danger and suspense, what more could you want. This was brilliantly written and 100% my kind of book.  I love finding new authors and I will definitely be looking for more from Kennedy Mitchell. 

Author Bio

I live in Dallas but I am not a Texan by birth, I am a transplant from Tennessee and married a true Texan so I had to stay. We live in a older home in Dallas proper with our son and goldendoodle (who is roughly the size of a pony).

Writing isn’t my day job, however it is my joy and favorite hobby. I enjoy sending my friends new chapters nightly and hearing their reactions the next day. That is why I write, being published is just a bonus really. My real job is the same every day, but at night I get to be someone else and write about all these fun adventures and sexcapades:) When I’m writing you can find me on the couch, earbuds in and a full glass of wine beside me. Music inspires my stores, at the end of each book I list the playlist that helped me through writing the novel.

When I am not working or writing, I am reading. I go through about 3 books a week and I am 100% sure that I’m that annoying person at book-club that gets on to people when they are not keeping up with the monthly readings or suggest the movie is as good as a book (Sometimes I wish I could vote those people out of book-club like they do on Survivor. “The tribe has spoken”).

My favorite authors that inspire my writing are: Colleen Hoover, Sarah J. Maas, Sandra Brown, and Rainbow Rowell.

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