Title: Unravel Series: The Unbound Trilogy Author: Kathy Coopmans Genre: Contemporary Romance I’m Logan Mitchell, and I hold many secrets in my greedy hands. Women? They bow at my feet. Do what I ask and come back for more. But Ellie Wynn, I don’t want her bowing, I want her to kneel. She thought our time together was one night, a twist of fate. How wrong she was. Ellie has been mine since the day I saw her. Little does she know, it wasn’t that night. It was years ago. Well before I even understood she was mine. One taste, one touch, one kiss, and it wasn’t enough. Not for me. I’m prepared to fight dirty, and I plan to succeed. Lies, deceit, and betrayal. Intrigued? You should be. Amazon US | Amazon Worldwide Apple Books | B&N | Kobo Goodreads NAOMI'S FIVE 💋💋💋💋💋 SCANDALOUS KISSES REVIEW: WELL SLEEP IS OVERATED ANYWAY! The minute this book hit my kindle I jumpe...