Title: Fast
Series: Not Like the Movies
Author: Lauren K. McKellar
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: May 25, 2017


Quinn Hamilton had it all—A grades, a loving family, and a spot on the waitlist for the latest Hermes handbag. The one item left unchecked on her to-do list was her brother’s best friend, Liam, and that was only because Braden was overprotective when it came to his mates. 

When tragedy struck, Quinn was left with nothing. Not even the handbag made it. 

Three years later, Quinn’s focused on the things that count—getting a steady job, looking after her mother, and playing it safe. Her dreams of working for a fashion magazine haven’t just left the building—they’ve dived into the gutter, never to be touched again.

But when completing a two-week internship in the city, Quinn meets someone who makes her do the one thing she’s been trying desperately to avoid—feel. Will this sexy man who knows so much of her history help her go after what she wants? Or is their brand of passion as outdated as last season’s trends?

She’s running from her past, but her past is running faster.

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Lauren's Review 
***ARC provided in exchange for an honest review - Lauren / Scandalous Book Blog***

Quinn spent her childhood growing up with her brother Braden and his best friend Liam who just happened to be super hot, she couldn’t ask for any more. At the age of 18 her world is crushed when a tragedy strikes and Quinn looses one of the most important people in her life and is left with a permanent reminder of that day for everyone to see. 
Fast forward 3 years, with encouragement from her mum Quinn is heading off to the city for a internship in a fashion magazine, making new friends and enemies on her first day. She can do this job easily but how could she can she leave home, her mum and her especially her memories. Unexpectedly Quinn runs in to a blast from her past, Liam! Feelings she once buried quickly resurface but can Quinn forgive and forget or will the past come back to haunt her.
Fast really is a sweet and endearing love story. I really enjoyed it. Lauren K Mckellar kept me engrossed from start to finish so much so that I read this book in one sitting! 
I loved the characters in this book, Quinn is an intelligent young woman trying to push herself in the fickle word of fashion where looks and style mean everything. 
Liam is of course gorgeous but has a passion for life which he sees with a different perspective. Desperate to follow his dreams but never finding a break, Liam’s given up. Can his chance meeting with Quinn change that, can he convince her that he’s not the same person who walked away from her all those years ago or are some things to difficult to move on from. 
This book is funny, witty, emotional and heart warming the only downside was that it was too short,  I definitely wanted more. If your looking for a second chance love story then I strongly recommend this one for you. 

Author Bio

Lauren K. McKellar is a writer of contemporary romance reads that make you feel. This hybrid-published best-selling author loves writing books with stunning local settings, heart-throb heroes, and leading ladies who overcome great hardships in their lives.

In addition to writing, Lauren loves to read, and you can often find her up at all hours of the night with a glass of wine, some chocolate, and a good book. She lives by the beach in New South Wales, Australia, with her husband, infant son, and their two dogs. Most of the time, all four of them are well behaved.

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