TitleUntil November
AuthorAurora Rose Reynolds
GenreNew Adult
Release DateSeptember 26, 2013
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November is looking forward to getting to know her father and the safety of a small town. After leaving the big apple and her bad memories for Tennessee, November starts working for her dad at his strip club doing the books. The one time she’s allowed there during club hours she runs into Asher Mayson. He’s perfect until he opens his mouth and makes assumptions. November wants nothing to do with Asher but too bad for November fate has other plans. Asher Mayson has never had a problem getting a woman that is until November. Now all he can think about is making November his and keeping her safe.
Warning 18+ sexual content and a strong Alpha Male.


“So, what are we doing today? Can we go riding?” I ask excitedly.

“No, someone’s coming over in an hour,” he says, wiping his mouth.

“O…kay,” I say slowly, waiting for him to tell me who is coming over. He doesn’t say anything, just smiles. “So, who is it?” I ask after he still doesn’t say anything.

“You’ll see.” He shrugs.

“So, you’re not going to tell me who it is?”

“Nope,” he says, putting his cup and plate into the sink without rinsing it. He starts to walk away, so I clear my throat to get his attention. When he looks at me, I nod my head in the direction of the sink and he raises his eyebrows. So, I nod my head in the direction of the sink again. “Do you have a tic, baby?” he asks, his mouth twitching.

I narrowed my eyes. “I'm not your maid, Asher.” He straight out smiles, giving me the dimple, then walks to the sink, takes his plate and cup out, still without rinsing them, and places them in the dishwasher. “You have to rinse it before you put it in the dishwasher,”  I tell him, feeling and sounding like a total nag.

“It’s a dishwasher,” he says slowly, walking towards me.

“Ye—” Before I can get the words out, his mouth is on mine. The kiss is deep, wet, and so yummy, that when he pulls his mouth away, my hands are wrapped around his neck and my legs are around his hips. I'm in an Asher fog so deep that he could tell me that it’s not a dishwasher, but a microwave, and I would agree with him completely.

My eyes flutter open. He’s looking down at me with a cocky smile and mumbles, “That’s better.” Then, he squeezes my ass in his hands, sets me on the counter and leaves the kitchen, putting on his shirt as he goes.

“Holy crap,” I whisper. Beast looks at me, grunts, then walks to his dog bed and lays down, completely disappointed in my lack of willpower. “It’s not my fault,” I mumble to my dog. He lets out a breath and shuts his eyes, completely dismissing me. “It’s not,” I say, still mumbling. I hop off the counter, take Asher’s dishes from the dishwasher, rinse off the cream cheese so it doesn’t harden onto the plate, rinse out the cup then place them both back in the dishwasher. The whole time, I'm smiling.


I really enjoyed this book, the story was easy to follow with likeable characters. I had a tough time rating this because of how much I like the overall story and characters but the writing was just not for me. It was OK BUT it had way too many repetitions and a limited vocabulary range . I lost count of how many time I rolled my eyes, when things weren't worded to flow effortlessly. A lot of the times when I encounter theses problems I would stop reading. However this book is character driven and the more I read the more the characters grew on me, until I completely forgot that the writing annoyed me some. 
November, is a young women neglected, rejected and abused by her uncaring unloving mother. She was told her father who she did not know until she turned 18 did not want her, a lie told to her by her wicked mother. 
Now 25 she has finally gotten out from under the thumb of her mother and started a life of her own, only for that life to be shattered once again by the evil ways of her mom.
Left broken and battered she decides to move from New York to Tennessee; into the loving arms of her father and all his family, who has just been dying to meet her. 
Now November has a loving family around her a new job working at her dad strip club (don't get any perverted thoughts, she is working in the office doing the books). 
She is some what content with her life until the rudely meets Ashton. 
Ashton Mayson is hot head player. The first time he laid eyes on November, he knew she was the "One" but he gets the wrong impression when he sees her with Mike(owner of strip club n her daddy) he gets the wrong idea and wrongly and very rudely accuses her of being a stripper. 
Ashton has one goal, making November his and he will it take no for an answer. 
Ash is an Alpha male gone wild, at first I was like what a fucking jerk but slowly I came  to love his bossy sexy ways. 
November is powerless to resist his overbearing possessive alpha on crack ways. Well more like her gave her no other choice. 
After November's apartment was broken into, Ash insist she stays with him. And as they say the rest was not really they have to over come a few obstacles and learn to trust each other. 
Ash was once lied to and cheated on so he has his issues with trusting people. 
Also there are things going on that outs November in danger. 
Who is behind all the strange things that has been happening around November?!?
Will Ash be able to protect his family when danger turns up on their door steps?!? 
The relationship happened really quickly, but I completely get it when you met the One why wait. 
I love their relationship, love and friendship. Their sex was through the roof I couldn't get enough, probably why I kept on reading lol. Ash's extended family are all AMAZING I loved his mom Suzann she took November under her wings and provided a mothers love which she never had. 
Now onto the his hot as sin brothers, Trevor and Cash. They treated November like the sister they never had. 
I would suggest a re-editing and structuring of the storyline I figured out the entire plot very early on, and their were a few holes in the flow. 
Overall, an enjoyable short read with great characters and funny banter. I definitely recommend despite the issues I mentioned earlier. 
At the back of this book is an excerpt from Trevor's book and I am really looking forward to reading it. As I said the characters are great and you really want to know all of them so, now I can't wait to read more from the characters. 

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About the Author

Aurora Rose Reynolds is a navy brat whose husband served in the United States Navy. She has lived all over the country but now resides in New York City with her Husband and pet fish. She's married to an alpha male that loves her as much as the men in her books love their women. He gives her over the top inspiration everyday. In her free time she reads, writes and enjoys going to the movies with her husband and cookie. She also enjoys taking mini weekend vacations to nowhere, or spends time at home with friends and family. Last but not least she appreciates everyday and admires its beauty.   

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“Who’s that?” Justin asks, I look towards the direction of the bar inside the club where Mike is standing talking to Max.
“That’s Mike, he’s one of the owners of the club.” I say absently looking back down at my phone reading the text I just got from Nico asking about meeting up at the bar in an hour.
“I know who the fuck Mike is, I'm asking about the chick.” I look back inside the club to see Mike with his arm around a young woman. She’s so small that he dwarfs her, her body is tucked close to his, her long brown hair tumbling down her back in waves. The dress she’s wearing showing off her curves from her perfect tits, slim waist and round ass. I'm speechless, I have no idea who the fuck she is but I know I want to know her. Then she looks up at Mike with so much admiration and love calling him daddy that my fists clinch.
“I don’t know who the fuck she is.” I clip angry with myself and pissed off at Mike for doing a chick young enough to be his daughter.
“Chill dude.” Justin says, looking back over his shoulder into the bar I look back inside and see Mike leading the girl down the hall to his office and I can feel bile climb up my throat. “You leavin man?”
“Yeah I’ll call Kenton and let him know that the new guy is working out. First I'm gonna go check and make sure that the cameras in the parking lot are still working after the last storm.” 
“Sure I’ll be here.” Justin says from his spot at the door, he knows the rules having worked for Kenton the last five years. I make my way through the club to the back room. I look over the cameras making sure that none of them were moved. When I'm done I make my way to the front of the club, Justin calls me over.
“That chick that was with Mike just left without telling anyone where she was going you want me to let her know the rules?” 
“Na I got it I'm heading out anyways.” I head out the front door of the club towards the parking lot. When I see the girl a few feet in front of me.
“YO,” I yell she jumps dropping her bag and keys to the ground. I'm a few feet away from her and stop dead when her eyes meet mine. As amazing as her body is her face is beautiful with big green eyes and full pink lips has me gritting my teeth why the fuck is she dating Mike? And why the fuck do I care? Her eyes look me over and I can tell she’s attracted to me. I cross my arms over my chest and glare down at her.  Noticing her palming her keys to use as a weapon this takes me by surprise I almost smile but catch myself.
“Hi,” She says quietly making my eyes narrow even more.
“Yeah… hi, you need to have and escort to your car anytime you leave the club.” I can smell the lite scent of her perfume from where I'm standing and its pissing me off that I fucking love that she smells like peaches.
“Wh… wha. What?” She stutters.
“You.” I say slowly losing patients. “Need an escort to your car anytime you leave the club to your car. All the girls know this shit.”
“Um… okay.” 
“It’s my boy’s job to make sure your ass is safe from the building to your car. So don’t piss me off by not doing what you’re told. And trust me sweetheart, I don’t give a fuck if you’re fucking big Mike. Next time, wait for one of the guys to walk you out here.
“Who is Big Mike?” She questions scrunching her eye brows together
“Big Mike, the guy you were hanging on calling ‘Daddy!” I say disgusted with her. “I don’t give a fuck if you’re sleeping with the boss. He should have told you this shit himself or had the decency to walk your ass out to your car.”
Her face pales slightly right before her eyes narrow. “Excuse me?”
“What part don’t you understand, sweetheart?” I say 
Her movements are jerky when she extends her hand out to me. “I'm not ‘sweetheart,” I'm November. I'm also Big Mi-“
I cut her off, I don’t want to hear her tell me that she’s Mike’s girl. “Don’t give a fuck who you are.”
“Wow you are so flipping rude, buddy.”
I shake my head. “Don’t care that you think that shit either.”
“Who the hell do you think you are?” She ask, her hands go to her hips showing off the curve to her waist.
I grit my teeth before answering. “The guy waiting for you to get in your car and leave so I can do my job instead of standing out there with you.”
“Ugh, you are such a jerk.” She says looking frustrated.
“November?” I hear Mike call out so I look in his direction then back at the chick who I guess is November. She looks smug and I have to force myself to remain calm when she yells “Yeah, Daddy over here.”
“Hey, Asher.” Mike says patting my back then he walks to November pulling her into his side. I want to rip his hands off her, then he rocks my world. “I see you already met my daughter.” I didn’t know how tightly wound my body was until he said the word daughter. My whole body loosens at his words. Mike has a daughter what the fuck? I look at him to see if he’s lying then over at her when she gives a small laugh that has the muscles in my stomach contracting. All I can do I stare.
“Um, Yeah, dad. He was just telling me that I need an escort when leaving the club.”
Mike is watching her closely the whole time she’s talking, I can’t believe this, Mike has a daughter. Mike who has never even had a relationship that I know of has a beautiful daughter. “Oh,” Mike says scratching his head. “Yeah, I didn’t think about it because you’re not… Ugh you work here… I mean you work here but not really in here.
“Dad,” She says softly giving him that same look that she gave him at the bar. “It’s okay. Asher didn’t know and just wanted to make sure I was safe.” 
“Yeah okay,” Mike says and I can see how much he loves her. Why hasn’t he ever talked about her before? “Anyways, Asher this is my baby girl November.” He pulls her closer to him “She just moved here.” I can see the pride in his face when he looks at her.
“Hi,” She says pushing her hand out to me again, her smile making me flinch, I grab her hand, the feel of her smooth skin against my palm when I feel a shock go through our connection. I look down at our combined hands.
“November,” I mumble, I can’t deal with this shit so I turn and walk back towards the club without saying anything else to her or Mike.
“Who is she?” Justin ask from his spot at the door I take a deep breath clenching my fist.
“Mike’s daughter.” I say walking right by him back into the club into the camera room where I zoom in on her and Mike. When she gets in her car and I see Mike walk back inside I make my way to the front door and watch her pull off in her car with some fucking loud ass rap song blaring from her stereo. Once she’s out of sight I pull my keys from the front pocket of my jeans along with my cell, I put my phone to my ear and wait.
“Yeah?” Trevor answers on the third ring.
“You at the bar?” I ask opening up the door to my jeep, climbing in.
“Just pulled up, Cash and Nico are inside. You coming?”

“Be there in fifteen.” I say hanging up. I start up my jeep, roll down all the windows trying to get November out of my head as if it was only that easy.

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  1. Liked the excerpt here. Looking forward to reading this book and finding myself in an 'Asher Fog'! Thanks for the review and giveaway!


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