Ohh m

Release Date: October 25th


Sweet, shy and a bit goofy, Tinley Michaels has it all: a great mother, a wonderful, sexy, loving boyfriend, and her whole life ahead of her. One day her world is turned upside down when the love of her life suddenly leaves her without reason. She is left broken and vulnerable and vows to never let a man destroy her again. Months later, she decides to dust herself off and finally realize her dream of being a Broadway star. With nothing holding her back, she leaves everything she's ever known in Texas to start her new life in New York City. She moves in with her cousin, makes some great new friends, gets a steady job and an audition for a part in a small theater. Things are heading in the right direction. Tinley isn’t looking for anyone. She is jaded but still hopelessly in love with her first love. That’s when, by chance, she meets Van Whitaker, the smooth talking sexy lead singer of the best-selling rock band, Ripping Pages. She labels him a man-whore/rock-n-roll douchebag immediately. Van tries to show her that he’s no longer that guy and that he sees something in Tinley worth trying to be better for. Even though he makes her feel things she’s only read about in the hundreds of romance novels she’s shamelessly addicted to, she is scared he will leave her even more broken than she already is. Should she give this gorgeous rock star the time of day? And what will she do when she comes face to face with her past and she must make a decision that will change her future and her forever? What happens when the page you ripped out of the book of your life suddenly tries to put itself back into the story?

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I put the key into the lock and opened the door. I just stood there. My jaw might as well have been on the ground. His apartment was completely empty. He was gone. I couldn’t move. I fell to my knees and sobbed uncontrollably. When I could control myself, I got up kicked the door closed behind me and on wobbly knees walked around the vacant area. I just couldn’t believe it. He left me. He actually left without telling me. What a fucking coward. I walked down the hall and into the bedroom. The bedroom that held so many memories of James and I. His bedroom. I had given him something I had never given anyone else. I had given him everything, all of me in this space. I sat down on the worn beige carpet and cried, again. I couldn’t believe he would do this to me. After several minutes trying to get my bearings, I walked back through into the hall towards the front door. When I reached the door, I saw it. It was small, and no one but me would have noticed it unless someone had been looking for it, but I saw it. It was in the small niche next to the door. A small envelope with Tin written in James' handwriting. As I took a few short breaths, trying to calm my anxiousness, I grabbed it. Ripping it open, something fell to the floor at my feet. I bent down to pick it up, and tears started pouring as I realized what it was. A ring. A gorgeous princess cut diamond ring in a platinum setting. The ring I jokingly kept showing him online and in the Tiffany's catalog just hinting around. He bought it. That mother fucker. I clasped it in my fist, and opened the small letter I still held in my other hand. There were only four lines. He destroyed everything we had together. All our plans and dreams of forever gone in just four lines on a small piece of paper.  No reason. No excuses. He simply bailed on me. What the hell. My knees gave way and I collapsed to the floor unable to see through the tears pouring from my eyes and onto the ground beneath me.

I'm so sorry, Baby.
Please know that I am not trying to hurt you.
I will love you forever.


About Rachel

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Rachel Rae is a devoted wife to her high school sweetheart and momma to three unbelievably gorgeous children. She enjoys reading all things romance and writing about love and happily ever afters. When she’s not engrossed in a good book and obsessing over fictional boyfriends, you can find her gossiping over coffee or wine with frozen berries, goofing around with her sister, watching trashy reality TV and facebooking entirely too much. She is addicted to music, chocolate, Christmas, lip gloss, glitter and all things girly. She lives in Texas with her family.
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