Title: Strike (Spark, #3) Author: Jennifer Ryder Genre: Erotic Romance Release Date: August 30, 2014 Synopsis Fast. Thatās how I like life, especially my two great joys: bikes and women. Iām committed to exclusively riding one, but not the other. Until April. A sexy-arse freelance photographer whoās travelled the world, and doesnāt do long walks on the beach or romantic candlelit dinners. She enjoys running with the bulls and food spicy enough to make your hair fall out. If that werenāt enough to get me hard, she rides a mean mother of a motorcycle. Iāve gotta have a taste of this wildcat. ~Spencer (Jones) I donāt do fast. Not anymore. Iāve got my career, my independence, and since I fled Spain to come back home I promised myself that I wouldnāt be put secondāor third, for that matterāagain. Then I meet pretty boy Spencer. Heās smooth, oozing the most potent pheromones probably known to modern science, and heās making a move on me. One kiss was almo...