{{NEW RELEASE}] LAST TRUE HERO By @dianalynngardin

We're celebrating the release of Last True Hero by Diana Gardin! Be sure to check out all the great posts and enter the tour giveaway. Thanks for joining us!

Last True Hero (Battle Scars #1) by Diana Gardin
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance (Military)
Published by Forever Romance
Releasing November 10, 2015
For seven years he’s fought for his country. Now he’ll fight for her.
    Army Ranger Dare Conners has been through hell. He’s left combat behind, yet the memories that refuse to fade are proving just as dangerous. Ordered to take R&R, he joins his buddy for beaches, beers, and babes—if that can’t cure him, nothing will. But when he meets Berkeley, a woman who affects him like no one else, a new kind of battle begins . . .

    An Admiral’s daughter, Berkeley knows her life has been planned since birth. The right school, the right boyfriend—and now that she’s graduated—the right marriage. But after years of being right, Berkley is ready to be a little wrong. And Dare Conners has wrong written all over him. The sexy soldier has a body built for sin and secrets he won’t share. What starts as a fling quickly grows into something more. But summer can’t last forever, and when the truth comes out, both Berkeley and Dare could be in for quite a fall.
I find her name in my phone contacts list and press SEND.
She answers on the first ring, which brings a slight smile to my lips.
“You still don’t know that guys don’t call girls anymore.” Her voice is all cute and grumbly. I gulp down the intense desire that washes over me like the downpour that ignited our first kiss.
“You must know by now that I don’t follow social cues,” I say into the phone. “Two-word answers over text aren’t going to work for me tonight.”
She sighs, and a pause stretches between us on the phone. My fingers itch; they bend and flex as I picture her soft skin beneath them.
“It’s been a rough night, Dare.”
“Are you alone?” The question tumbles out of me; I hadn’t even planned to ask it. But I need to know she’s not still with Grisham. Once I know that, I’ll be able to think clearly again.
“You don’t even need to ask me that, Dare.” Her sigh is weary. “Answer something.”
“You didn’t let me in on whatever you were holding back tonight. I get it. It took me this long to share everything with you. But now that I have…are there many more secrets you’re not giving away?”
I hear my own question for her being thrown back at me, and I run a hand through my hair while I grin like a fucking idiot.
“Most people don’t stick around long enough to learn other peoples’ secrets,” I say. God, I want to touch her so bad right now.
I mouth her next words right along with her as she speaks them. “That sounds suspiciously like a dare, Dare.”
I shoot up off the bed like someone has lit a rocket under my ass. I stride for my bedroom door, throwing it open.
“Be outside in ten minutes, Berkeley. When I pull up, I want you in my truck.”
Her voice is breathless as she answers, and she doesn’t even think to argue with me. I like that. No, I fucking love that.
As she speaks, I can tell she’s moving around. “Where are we going?”
“I’m bringing you back here. I need you next to me tonight, Berkeley.” I realize my voice is rough as my truck’s engine roars to life, and I try to soften it. “I know I need to open up to you, but I don’t know when I’m going to be able to do that. I will do it though, Berkeley. You are so worth opening up to. I just…tonight I just want to feel you beside me.”
“Ten minutes?” Her voice is barely a whisper.
“No. Eight.

Purchase your copy of Last True Hero

Last True Hero, in Five Words
SEXY - The connection between Dare and Berkeley is sultry and steamy and as a reader, you’re just going to want more of them together.
RAW - Dare is rugged, rough-around-the-edges, but so pure of heart readers will be wanting more of his sexy dynamic.
COMPLEX - Both hero and heroine are characters with depth; they will keep you guessing and wondering what their next move will be.
EMOTIONAL - Both hero and heroine have baggage. They come together with their own thoughts and feelings and pasts, and merging them together takes some work. Watching it unfold might tear you apart.
ADDICTIVE - The love story that unfolds between these two will keep you reading until the very end.

Diana's Favorite Quotes from Last True Hero
 “One day, I met the pin in the grenade that blew my entire world apart.
 And she obliterated my desire for a simple, solitary life. She destroyed my existence, as I knew it.” –Dare
-I love this quote because it is the essence of who Dare is. He’s strong, he’s faithful, and he’s deep. He’s a true hero.
His eyes darken until the clear sea-foam is more of a teal, and he’s sitting beside me in one fluid movement. “I don’t want you to ever be sorry for choosing to come to me when you need me. Ever. Okay?”
-This one is also the essence of Dare. Don’t you love a guy who puts you first no matter what?

“This kiss is Dare’s rawness unleashed, and where our first kiss left me breathless, this one is going to leave me soulless.”
-This is how Berkeley feels about Dare. His kisses aren’t gentle and sweet; they’re passionate, rough, and irrisistable.
“You are fucking amazing, Berkeley. You’re the most beautiful, dangerous thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. What have you done to me? Fuck.” –Dare
-I love this one because it shows that Berkeley has made Dare feel like he’s never felt before. When he fell for her, he fell forever. And there’s no going back.

 Her lips part as she screams my name. “Let go, Berkeley. I protect what’s mine, remember? Let go for me, honey.”
-I mean…this one? It’s jut plain steamy. It makes my toes curl.
Last True Hero, the Story Behind the Story
-It took me an entire summer to write Last True Hero. I started it when I was sick with mono, of all things. Once I started, I knew I had to do these characters justice—I had to get this one right.
-Dare and Berkeley are my favorite couple I’ve written thus far.
-Lone Sands is a fictional place, but it is reminiscent of the Outer Banks, North Carolina. One of my favorite places in the whole wide world.
-Berkeley is the first blonde I’ve ever written as a heroine. I hope she makes all my blonde readers happy!
-Originally, something completely different happening in the story instead of the kidnapping. I might release the deleted scene at a later date, but all I can say is Dare, Chase, and a poker game with very high stakes.

1 - $50 Sephora gift card
1 - Battle Scar Series swag pack
US/Can only

About Diana Gardin

Diana Gardin was born and raised combing the coasts of Southeastern Virginia. She is now a happy resident of South Carolina as she married into an enormous Carolina-rooted family. She loves the beach, and even more than that she loves to read while sitting on the beach.

While writing was always a passion of Diana’s, she enrolled in college to become an elementary-school teacher. After eight years of teaching in both Virginia and South Carolina, she decided to stay at home with her first child. This decision is what opened her eyes to the fact that she still very much loved to write, and her first novel was written.


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