Title: Defied
Series: Blood Duet #2
Author: Maria Luis
Author: Maria Luis
Genre: Sexy Romantic Suspense
Release Date: May 31, 2018
I am both a sinner and a saint, but I bleed
For years, I’ve lived in the grey… until her.
Avery Washington didn’t belong in the shadows,
but I dragged her into the darkness anyway.
One kiss, and I would stop at nothing to
possess her.
One caress, and my need to destroy wavered.
Our attraction was poison and pleasure.
They say the devil recognizes his own, but I
never saw Avery coming.
She's determined to light the matchsticks, and
I can't resist going down in flames...
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Megan's Review
***ARC provided in exchange for an honest review- Megan/Scandalous Book Blog***
Defied is part two to Lincoln and Avery's story and boy of boy Maria Luis did not disappoint. There were so many twists and turns in this epic conclusion. Everything that Avery and Lincoln thought they knew about their lives gets thrown right out the window and now they are both left wondering who can they trust and where do they go from here. One thing is certain..there is something between them and that connection cannot be ignored. I don't want to give too much away so I'll just say this.. Defied was such a unique story and was unlike anything that I've ever read. From the beautifully broken characters to the unique web of secrets and lies that surround these characters you cannot help but devour this book as quickly as possible to find out what happens next. Read The Blood Duet you won't regret it
Also Available
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Author Bio
Maria Luis
is the author of sexy contemporary romances, though she may or may not have a
few historical romances hiding in the cobwebs of her computer.
When she's
not writing about strong men and the sassy women who sweep them off their feet,
Maria is a historian who specializes in medieval England and 19th century
New Orleans. What do the two eras have in common, you ask? Not much, except for
disease, scandalous activities and crime--Maria's favorite topics.
Maria lives
in New Orleans with her better half, where she can generally be found hiking
with her two dogs, Zeus and Athena, kayaking in Louisiana's inter-coastal
waterways, or curled up on the couch with a good book.
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