BLOG TOUR ~ Bound by J M Chalker
Title: Bound Author: JM Chalker Genre: Paranormal, Young Adult Publisher: Blue Tulip Publishing
Everything happens for a reason... or does it?
High school is hard enough without having to start all over, but that's exactly what seventeen year old twins Olivia and Haydon are forced to do.
Not only are their relatives basically strangers--but the small town of Jasper Crane is anything but normal or welcoming. Soon they discover things may not be what they seem.
Supernatural powers start making themselves known in both twins, forcing them to reconcile with the idea that coincidences are rare, and they may be in Jasper Crane for a reason, one that could have dire consequences.

“You heard that.” I sobbed leaning on the door feeling as if my whole body was made out of jelly. He stood up, opening his arms and I ran into them. We both fell onto the bed with our bodies wrapped around each other. I didn’t hold back. The tears flowed and I felt they were never going to stop.
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