Being fearless has never looked so good . . .

Aubrey Evans needs to get her life back on track after her father is indicted for embezzlement. All she has to do to hightail it out of small-town Tennessee is save up money for college tuition and steer clear of hard-muscled boys on motorcycles. Yet there's no ignoring someone like Zion. A knight in black leather, Zion looks like every bad idea she's been told to avoid, but she can't resist him. Whenever she's in trouble, he's there. Appealing as his rough exterior may be, it's the protective, principled man beneath who tempts her like crazy.

Zion knows Aubrey doesn't intend to stick around. She claims to want only friendship, but he senses there's a naughty girl hiding on the inside—one whose intense desires match his own. For now, he'll be patient and play by her rules. But he knows it's just a matter of time before he weakens her resolve.

As they join forces to figure out who's behind a local crime spree, it's clear that the danger goes deeper than Aubrey guessed. And when she needs someone tall, dark, and undaunted to keep her safe, Zion intends to be there—now and always.


***ARC provided in exchange for an honest review - Naomi / Scandalous Book Blog***

This was a fun read even though the cover shows the MC logo it was more about the relationship of the couple. Their story is told is a beautiful way and they are both strong characters each with their own back story. I can’t wait to see where this series takes us.

With her mum and dad dealing with their own problems Aubrey has gone to stay with her grandma in Tennessee. Aubrey had a life plan but with recent changes she has to tweak it a little.

Trying to make friends in the new town Aubrey finds herself in a situation with the town sheriffs son who wont take no for an answer, But she is saved by an angel wearing a leather cut with the local MC logo on and riding a Harley who goes by the name of Zion.

Zion was raid as part of the MC his mother is no longer around but his father is a member of the club but no one has told him who though to some it is easy to tell. He is not one to have relationships more of a one night kind of guy but one meeting with Aubrey has him wanting to be a better man.

Zion makes a big impression on Aubrey and she fights the attraction as best as she can. But sometimes the heart wants what it wants and nothing can stand in the way of true love


 Time ticked by awkwardly as I stared at the man in front of me. Now that he was crouching in front of me, I could see more details. He was tall, built, and no older than twenty-six. His weathered jeans weren’t snug, but they fit well enough to make it very clear that there was no fat hidden on him. It didn’t make sense, but he also looked familiar. I didn’t know where from, but I could swear I’d seen him before.

“I’m . . . Zion,” he said. “You’re Aubrey, I gather.”

“I am.” I squinted at him, trying to decide if he was any less attractive if I didn’t stare at him quite as full-on. He didn’t get any less gorgeous, but he did seem increasingly familiar. I just wasn’t sure why. “How do you know my name?”

“You corrected Quincy,” Zion said.

Great, he fought like violence was beautiful, looked like he’d been modeled on Renaissance paintings, and listened when people spoke. Where was he when I was looking for a distraction earlier?

“Thanks. He was insis . . . insistingt. . . pushy, but not . . .” My skill with words—which was usually pretty good—was apparently still a bit absentee. I cleared my throat nervously and added, “Paint-thinner flavored booze, bad for the vocab’lary.”

“Are you here with someone?” Zion asked. “Someone you could call or we could find.”

“Nope.” I folded my arms over my chest, not thinking about the friends I’d summarily cut out of my life when my father made the news. “Don’t know anyone here. I don’t belong in Tennessee, you know? Was second year Reedie . . . in Portland. That’s where I belong.”

“That’s a college?”

“Uh-huh. Reed.” I sighed and squinted at him. “This isn’t Portland.”

“Tennessee is a long way from Oregon.”


When he stared at me, I tried to figure out what to do next. My brain was too fuzzy to stay focused on much of anything, and truthfully, I wasn’t great at social skills even when I was sober. People always seemed to be doing and saying a lot more than the actual words they used, and sometimes it left me at a complete loss.

After a few quiet moments, Zion scooped up my bright red jacket from where it had fallen when Quincy was pawing me. “Let me take you home.”

“To Portland?”

“No,” he said, dragging the word out a little. “Wherever you’re staying here in Williamsville.”

I pushed away from the tree and lurched into him. He was warmer than the tree, but just as firm. I tilted my head and looked up at him as he pulled me to my feet. My chest was smashed against his, and he wrapped his arms around my waist to steady me. I could feel what I suspected was a gun strapped to his side under his jacket. I’d never been that close to a gun before, and for a moment, it made me nervous. He had rescued me, but the gun made me considering stepping backward.

“You seem like a bad man. Why are you helping me?” I asked.

 Ronnie Douglas is the writing name for a multiple New York Times bestselling author. Drawing on a lifetime love of romance novels and a few years running a biker bar, she decided to write what she knew—dangerous men with Harleys and tattoos. Her debut “Ronnie book” was indie-published as part of a series she created and wrote with friends in 2014.


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