Title: Monsters in the Dark Series Bundle
(Tears of Tess, Quintessentially Q and Twisted Together, #1-3)
Author: Pepper Winters
Genre: Dark | Erotic | Contemporary Romance
Series Bundle Release Date: March 16, 2015



From New York Times Bestseller Pepper Winters comes the highly acclaimed USA Today Bestselling Series: Monsters in the Dark.

Included in the following edition are:


"My life was complete. Happy, content, everything neat and perfect. Then it all changed. I was sold." 
Kidnapped. Drugged. Stolen. Tess is forced into a world full of darkness and terror.


"All my life, I battled with the knowledge I was twisted... fucked up to want something so deliciously dark. But then slave fifty-eight entered my world. "
Q may be a monster, but he's Tess's monster.


"After battling through hell, I brought my esclave back from the brink of ruin. I sacrificed everything--my heart, my mind, my very desires to bring her back to life."
Q gave everything to bring Tess back. In return, he expects nothing less.

**Not recommended if you don't enjoy dark romance, angst-filled plots, and BDSM.

Tears of Tess #1

Well, how do I go around this one :-/ Mmmm......What on earth did I just read!

It something else allright, I can tell you that much!
It is so different than everything else you have ever read, I would almost call it a genre on its own.
It's not FSOG, neither is it the Crossfire series. The story is dark, captivating and WILL let you tingle in all the right places, once you see past all the darkness. 

There were moments where I was crying for all the hurt Tess was going through. And eventhough Q comes over as quite a harsh guy when you first meet him, you will take a liking towards him, you just know that there is more to it. 

I MUST warn you that if you cannot handle the slave/master relationship or dark stories, think twice before reading this book! You need to have a strong mindset to handle this, it took me some time to see past the darkness too. 

BUT if you can handle it, it is a must read! :-) The writing is refreshing and the characters just stick with you - I just read the book and I am still thinking everything over.

Quintessentially Q #2

If you believe Tears of Tess was dark and hard to handle then I'd suggest you'd better brace yourselves before starting Quintessentially Q because the second book of the series goes to the very edge of darkness and beyond.

You could pretty much divide this book into three parts: Before, during and after. Which are accordingly; Dark, twisted and emotionally painful.

I very much enjoyed the dual pov which gave us a much needed insight into the minds of two incredibly fierce individuals.

Also I must congratulate Pepper Winters on her exceptional writing skills and a way of storytelling only she sknow how to do. The dialogues and every bit of text were written beautifully and with a lot of care.

Lastly, thank you Ker Dukey for providing the poem headers at the start of each chapter. They added just that tad extra and fitted the story seamlessly.

Oh and that ending... Well let's just say that with Pepper you never know ;-)

Some quotes:
"Laid by my feet was evidence of my true sickness. My needs transcended middle-class kink and verged on life threatening. I didn't want fake tears or tears. No. I wanted the whole damn truth. I wanted to possess and obsess and consume. I wanted to be the air that Tess breathed. I wanted to be the water she drank. Keeping her alive all while wanting to kill her." - Q

My initiation into his mysterious world had started, and I teetered on the threshold, wondering if I'd ever see light again." - Tess

"You taste so good. Not your skin, or sweat, or perfume. The very depth of you. Your life-force. Your blood" - Q

"A heart for a heart. A life for a life. A thrum of living for the last beat of death." - Q

"One tear for what I lost. One tear for what I gained. One tear for being helpless. One tear for being in love." ??? ;-)

Twisted Together #3

After that hopeful ending of Quintessentially Q we deal with the aftermath of the events that occurred.

Will Q and Tess finally be able to let go of their demons and finally find their HEA in they're own dark fairy tale?

If you know Pepper Winters at all you know it won't go without some quite major hiccups along the way! They sure scared the hell out of me.

And if ya'll miss this twisted group already make sure you check out the novella 'Je suis à toi'.

Some quotes:
"I'm not running from, esclave. I'm running toward. Our future is unwritten. I'm sick of living in the past. It's time to make you mine permanently. I'm taking you to a place where no one can find us." - Q

"We're altered, we're abnormal, our souls stained with each other's mark. Our souls are that of monsters born in the dark." - Q

"The instant the sharp metallicness of his blood hit my tastebuds, everything rewound, imploded, exploded, detonated-existed no more." - Tess

MITD - Page Eleven

Excerpt from Twisted Together (MITD, #3)

Desire unfurled faster and faster in my belly.

Q frowned, impossibly making him more roguish and handsome. “Tess…? How do you feel?”

How did I feel? Amazing. Lusty. Powerful. Consumed.

I stretched again, arching my back as water lapped around my body. I wanted to moan with how good I felt. I’d never been so warm or contended or horny.

My eyes snapped to Q’s. Him. I had to have him.

“You’re so beautiful,” I murmured. Q froze, his eyes searching mine. Slowly, his lips turned up into half a smile.

I pressed my thighs together. I couldn’t stop my body from overheating and needing. I’d been cursed or charmed—some sort of potion lived inside. I had no other explanation for how much I needed him.

I laughed, throwing myself headfirst into whatever spell I was trapped in. My voice fell from my mouth, tinkling and chiming like a bell. Was that truly me? I sounded magical. I sounded like a princess straight from a storybook.

Pepper Winters is a NYT and USA Today International Bestseller. She wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with our head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex.

She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends. She's also honoured to wear the IndieReader Badge for being a Top 10 Indie Bestsellers, best BDSM series voted by the SmutClub, and recently signed a two book deal with Grand Central. Her books are currently being translated into numerous languages and will be in bookstores in the near future.


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