Title: Heart of the Rose Series: Black Rose Guard Series #2 By: KL Bone Publication Date: August 12, 2015 Genre: Dark Fantasy In this sequel to Black Rose, reunite with the captains of the Immortal Guard and witness Mara and Edward at the beginning of their epic love story, which spans more than a millennium of heartache, pain, and undying devotion. When Edward is sent on a mysterious quest by the ruthless queen, nineteen-year-old Mara—the youngest sub-captain to ever serve the Royal Guard—vowed to await his return, never anticipating decades would pass without word of his fate. The noble captain is taken prisoner by a rival court where he is forced to endure years of brutal torment at the hands of his captors. His life clings to but a single thought—Mara. Refusing to accept that her love will never return, Mara clutches to a hope which defies the bounds of reason. However as years pass, memories fade from comfort to unbearable grief. As Ma...